Article, “Digitalizzazione, fake-news, social network e realtà virtuale. Un resoconto del convegno ‘Nuovi media, nuovi miti'”, by Valeria Visciglia (on Lexia’s website), 22/12/2021 [IT]
Conference “Nuovi media, nuovi miti”, Photo Gallery, 21-22/12/2021
[Note for speakers and chairs: Pictures uploaded as per the indications included in the permission forms. If for any reason or at any time you would like any picture representing you to be deleted from this gallery, please contact us and we will do it immediately. Thanks!]
Food for Thought, Book Presentation, #Semioboomer, 11/11/2021 [EN]
Conference video, “Foodologies: Nourishment, Language, Communication”, 15/06/2021 – Morning session [EN – FR]
#Semioboomer feat. Foodologies – 2, Book presentations session, in collaboration with Gabriele Marino and Bruno Surace, 15/06/2021 [EN]
Conference video, “Foodologies: Nourishment, Language, Communication”, 14/06/2021 – Afternoon session [EN]
#Semioboomer feat. Foodologies – 1, Book presentations session, in collaboration with Gabriele Marino and Bruno Surace, 14/06/2021 [IT]
Conference video, “Foodologies: Nourishment, Language, Communication”, 14/06/2021 – Morning session [EN – ES]
Lecture, “Dalla verità alla post-verità. Il discorso mitico tra passato e presente” (39’07” – 57’37”), XXVI National Conference of the Society of Philosophy of Language (SFL) Narrazioni, confabulazioni e cospirazioni / Narrations, Confabulations, and Conspiracies, 04/06/2021 [IT]
Lecture, “Semiosis in Digital Communication. The Foodsphere Between Disinformation and Misinformation”, International Conference Semiosis in Communication III: Culture, Communication and Social Change, 28/05/2021 [EN]
Our PI mentioned on the occasion of the International Women and Girls in Science Day, 11/02/2021
Interview for Query, the official journal of CICAP (Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle Affermazioni sulle Pseudoscienze), 19/01/2021 [IT]
Food, Science… and Communication, Tips for food scientists, experts and stakeholders, 07/01/2021 [EN]
COMFECTION PI on “Research Champions” [I campioni della ricerca], Frida – UNITO’s Research and Public Engagement Forum, 29/12/2020 [IT]
Lecture, “Il Natale è servito. Miti, riti, traduzioni”, Roundtable Semiotica del Natale, 18/12/2020 [IT]
Selected students’ posters, MA Course in Semiotics of Food Cultures, University of Turin, AY 2019-2020 [IT/EN]
Posters collection
Single posters (with active links)
Our special thanks to the students who realized these interesting works and agreed to share them in Open Access here. For the authors’ data, please refer to the information reported on the posters.
Article, “La salute vien mangiando… e raccontando! Passeggiata semiotica nelle cibosfere di oggi”, Frida – UNITO’s Research and Public Engagement Forum, 21/10/2020 (on the occasion of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Food World Day” [IT]
Lecture “Nostalgia di un futuro passato: percorsi semiotici tra pre- e post-gastromania”, XLVIII AISS Conference Futuro passato, 09/10/2020 [IT]
Interview for “Futuro24”, “Viaggio verso il domani”, Rai News24, 09/10/2020 [IT]
Article, “Simona Stano racconta come la pandemia ha cambiato il nostro rapporto con il cibo”, Food&Science Festival – News & Stampa , 04/10/2020 [IT]
Article (and link to photo gallery), “Si conclude oggi il Festival che ha portato scienza e alimentazione a dialogare a Mantova. Sold-out gli oltre 100 eventi in programma”, Confagricoltura, 04/10/2020 [IT]
Video, “Progettazione europea, didattica e divulgazione scientifica” [European projects, teaching and science communication], Giornate di Orientamento, University of Turin, 14/06/2020 [IT]
Lecture, “Contro Natura”, by Dario Bressanini and Beatrice Mautino, Course in Semiotics of Food Cultures, University of Turin, 29/05/2020 [IT]
Educational materials addressed to high school students, “Food from an intercultural perspective: Tastes, identities, languages“, Handbook of Culture and Communication of Taste [on-line version], in collaboration with the Erasmus+ project “CuCoTa“, 10/05/2020 [EN]
Article, “Gastrosfere pandemiche” the Italian Association of Semiotic Studies (AISS)’ Diario Semiotico sul Coronavirus [Journal on Coronavirus], 14/03/2020 [EN]
Link to AISS (Journal’s articles in the right column)
Link to the AISS’ FB post
Link to the Journal (complete PDF version)
English version: “Pandemic conviviality: A dispatch from Italy”
COMFECTION on the website of ‘COMPACT’, a COST Action devoted to the “Comparative Analysis of Conspiracy Theories”, 14/03/2020 [EN]
Lecture, “La pareidolia facciale come effetto di senso discorsivo e culturale: il caso del cibo”, Meetings on Meaning 2019/2020, University of Turin (Italy), 06/03/2020 [IT]
COMFECTION on Turin Municipality’s website, Public engagement activities within the Project “Bambine e bambini un giorno all’Università”, 19/02/2020 [IT]
Lecture, “The Emergence of the Face in Food Visual Patterns”, International Symposium Transhuman Visages: Artificial Faces in Arts, Science and Society, Polish Institute of Advanced Studies (PIASt), 28/01/2020 [EN]
International Conference “Food for Thought”, Photo Gallery, 14-15/10/2019
[Note for speakers and chairs: As agreed during the Conference, all the pictures taken on Oct 14-15 have been uploaded here. If for any reason or at any time you would like any picture representing you to be deleted from this gallery, please contact us and we will do it immediately. Thanks!]
International Conference “Food for Thought” on NYU Steinhardt, NYU Events, 02/10/2019 [EN]
Interview for the European Researchers’ Night, Torino Scienza – Città Metropolitana di Torino, 23/09/2019 [IT]
Lecture, “Il crudo e il cotto (2.0). Discorso mitico e strategie di dissimulazione autoriale tra passato e presente”, Meetings on Meaning 2018/2019, University of Turin (Italy), 07/06/2019 [IT]
COMFECTION on NYU Steinhardt, NYU News: “Communication for Food Protection and Food for Thought”, 30/05/2019 [EN]
COMFECTION on FRiDa, UNITO’s Research and Public Engagement Forum – Research Story: “Siamo ciò che (non?) mangiamo: il cibo come sistema semiotico”, 08/01/2019 [IT]